


67 Grove Terrace
Rustburg, VA 24588

Invoice Number 1262
Order Number Server Repairs
Invoice Date June 2, 2023
Due Date June 16, 2023
Total Due $700.26
Thompson Brooks Insurance

106-B Annjo Court
Forest, VA 24551
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
1 5 x Dell 500GB 7.2K 3.5" SATA 01KWKJ 1KWKJ HDD Hard Drive (144785162081)
1 Tax on Hard Drives
1 APC UPS 1500VA UPS Battery Backup and Surge Protector
1 Belkin Power Strip Surge Protector
1 Tax on Battery Backup and Surge Protector
1 Labor

* Rebuilt RAID1 array with a new hard drive and restored server functionality
* Converted RAID1 array to RAID5 (for redundancy) and rebuilt array such that 3 new drives in use
* Configured alerts for drive failures

Sub Total $700.26
Tax $0.00
Total Due $700.26