


67 Grove Terrace
Rustburg, VA 24588

Invoice Number 1181
Order Number PC Cleanup
Invoice Date October 3, 2016
Due Date October 18, 2016
Total Due $130.00
Thompson Brooks Insurance

106-B Annjo Court
Forest, VA 24551
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
1 Ashley Owens - Mac Cleanup

Removed Malware from Mac OS and Windows Virtual Machine
Tweaked Virtual Machine settings to allow Windows to run better
Installed all Windows updates / Tweaked Windows Settings for Performance

1 Cindy Atkinson - Desktop Recovery

Booted to safe mode to recover as many files as possible
Reinstalled Windows from Scratch
Installed all Windows updates
Tweaked Windows Settings for Performance
Installed all default software
Re-enabled file sharing
Restored recovered files

Sub Total $130.00
Tax $0.00
Total Due $130.00