


67 Grove Terrace
Rustburg, VA 24588

Invoice Number 1170
Order Number Windows 10 Upgrade
Invoice Date June 16, 2016
Due Date July 1, 2016
Total Due $600.00
Thompson Brooks Insurance

106-B Annjo Court
Forest, VA 24551

Cleanup / Windows 10 Upgrade

Note: Windows 10 failed to install on Mark's laptop and John's laptop wasn't left to update. Microsoft is saying that the free update offer is expiring in late July, so we'll want to schedule a time to get these and any remaining computers upgraded ASAP.

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
8 Cleanup / Windows 10 Upgrade

- Cleaned / Disinfected all computers of malware
- Assigned all computers static IP address (provided list to Mark)
- Installed / Configured Windows 10
- Installed all Windows updates
- Updated software (CCleaner, Defraggler, Java)
- Tested basic functionality

Sub Total $600.00
Tax $0.00
Total Due $600.00